Future Development
Department Development
Increase specialized teaching staff and promote research achievement among the faculty. Increase international and cross-strait academic exchange and academic activities. Promote interdisciplinary academic activities and cooperation both on and off campus. Increase and improve educational infrastructure and resources, participate actively in social practices, and promote social innovation.
Personal Development
Advanced Training
- Continue to study for a master’s degree (obtain both bachelor’s and master’s degrees in 5 years)
- Apply to study in domestic or international institutes in the fields of sociology, social work, social welfare, ethnicity, culture, crime prevention and control, Hakka studies, news dissemination, etc.
- Professional career: build a career in the social science field as an assistant or research worker, teacher for two-year college programs, opinion-polling specialist, news dissemination worker, social worker, counselor, etc.
- Career in cultural/ creative Industry organizations: work as planning or administration personnel in any types of organizations in cultural or cultural/ creative industry.
- Career in civil services: participate in examinations for civil servant hiring, such as the Taiwan Civil Service Exam, various specific exams, or tests for social worker certificate.
- Career in business sectors: may choose to start a new business, or work as an opinion-polling worker, market investigator, human resource manager, or public relations worker, etc.
- NGOs: work as an executive for community groups or foundations, activity planner, or community worker, etc.