Just walk in and chat with ILCC English teachers!
由語文中心專任老師開設的英語聊天室English Chatting Room,歡迎大家前來輕鬆地談天說地、聊聊關於英語學習上的種種問題、分享學習與生活經驗!
- 114年3月3日(一)起至114年5月237日(五)止,請依時間表至指定地點和語文中心老師聊天!(無需事先報名)
- 期中考前1週(114/3/31~4/41)、期中考週(114/4/7~4/11)因老師實施課後輔導及學期考試暫停英語聊天室活動。
- 1132英語聊天室時間表及每日主題網頁:請點此處
"The English Chatting Room hosted by ILCC full-time teachers welcomes everyone to come and have casual conversations, discuss various English learning issues, and share learning and life experiences!"
- Starting from March 3 to May 23, please follow the schedule to meet with ILCC teachers at the designated location! (No pre-registration required)
- English Chatting Room will be suspended one week before mid-term exams and during mid-term exam week (114/3/31~4/11) due to teachers' post-class tutoring and semester exams.
- For the schedule and daily topics of the 1132 English Chat Room, please click here."