
  •   2024-09-09 

113/9/9~9/30 學生向系所或相關單位提出申請,填寫申請表並檢附成績單證明或相關資料,由評審單位推薦申請Students should submit an application to their department or relevant unit, complete the application form, and attach a transcript or related documents. The reviewing unit will then recommend the application.       

  • 相關申請表及辦法,請詳參此連結
  • 相關注意事項Important Notices:
  1.  金質、銀質獎以112學年度(112/8/1~113/7/31)之成果提出申請;提前畢業學生得提具申請截止日前之成果,依學生獎勵辦法辦理。Gold and Silver awards are applied for based on achievements from the 112th academic year (112/8/1~113/7/31). Students who graduate early may submit their achievements before the application deadline in accordance with the Student Reward Regulations.
  2. 同一成果僅能就金、銀質獎擇一申請不得重複,多項成果申請同一類獎,僅核予一獎項。For the same achievement, applicants can only apply for either the Gold or Silver award, not both, and if multiple achievements are submitted for the same category of award, only one will be granted.
  3. 成就獎:畢業當學年度即可申請,並佐以歷年之成果。Achievement Award: Applications can be submitted during the academic year of graduation, accompanied by achievements from previous years.
  4. 獎金分配依年度預算總額採固定比例分配,金質獎金佔 60%,成就獎金佔 40%,各類奬項獎金由「獎項」均分,惟受該獎項金額上限之限制, 各獎項獎金分配餘額,得流用之。The allocation of the prize money will be a fixed ratio of the annual budget, with 60% for the Gold award and 40% for the Achievement award. The prize money for each category of award will be evenly distributed among the 'awards,' subject to the maximum amount available for that award. Any remaining balance of the prize money may be reallocated.
  5. 113-1學期獲得之金質獎,合併113-2學期之金質獎及成就獎,於113-2學期末統一核發。For the Gold award obtained in the 113-1 semester, it will be combined with the Gold award and Achievement award of the 112-2 semester and issued at the end of the 113-2 semester.
  6. 申請方式:一篇論文或一項競賽,僅限申請一次,如為共同發表著作或團體競賽,推派一名代表申請,須填寫貢獻度,並檢附同意書(表單名稱:「學術獎推薦申請學術共同發表著作/團體競賽同意書」)。Application Method: Each paper or competition is limited to one application. For co-authored works or team competitions, one representative should be designated to apply. The contribution levels must be specified, and a consent form must be submitted (form name: "Consent Form for Academic Award Recommendation for Co-authored Works/Team Competitions").
  7. 獎狀及獎金:核發一份正本獎狀,共同發表作者或團體競賽成員,名字皆列於獎狀中,如有多份獎狀之需求,可自行翻印;獎金將核予申請者,由其進行獎金分配,依貢獻度等參考,分配獎金。Certificate and Prize Money: One original certificate will be issued, listing all co-authors or team members of the competition on the certificate. If additional copies are needed, they can be photocopied by the recipients. The prize money will be granted to the applicant, who will be responsible for distributing it based on factors such as contribution level.